Charlottesville Christine Gough, Chair Kathryn Gallanosa, Vice Chair Social Services Board Members: Lisa Brown Advisory Board Rebekah Menning LD Perry Cathee Johnson Phillips Ivy Porpotage City of Charlottesville, City Hall Annex, P.O. Box 911, Mike Signer Charlottesville, VA 22902 Judith Zeitler MINUTES Charlottesville Department of Social Services Advisory Board August 26, 2019 Board Members Present: Lisa Brown, Kathryn Gallanosa, Christine Gough, Rebekah Menning, LD Perry, Cathee Johnson Phillips, Mike Signer, Judith Zeitler Board Members Absent: None Staff Members Present: Diane Kuknyo, Laura Morris, Autumn Scott Guests: Dr. Tarron Richardson, Molly The meeting was called to order at 12:08 p.m. Introductions: The board welcomed City Manager, Dr. Tarron Richardson, and member of the public, Molly, to the meeting. Approval of Meeting Minutes: The July meeting minutes were approved as submitted. Chair’s Report: Ms. Gough reminded the board that preparation for the annual report to city council is underway. The subcommittee met and came up with 6 potential topics to include in the report. They are:  Medicaid Expansion  JLARC Report  UVA Disproportionality Study  Quarterly Data Report from VDSS  Family First  Cultural Humility Requirement for Staff After a brief discussion, the board opted to remove family first as a topic because the Virginia Department of Social Services is still finalizing the program rollout. Ms. Gough moved to include the other 5 topics in the report. Ms. Zeitler seconded the motion. Ms. Johnson Phillips moved to amend the motion to put more emphasis on the JLARC report, UVA study, and cultural humility requirement in the report and to make the VDSS quarterly data report and Medicaid expansion smaller topics. Voting Action to include the items listed above as amended in the annual report: Yes – Brown, Gallanosa, Gough, Menning, Perry, Johnson Phillips, Signer, Zeitler. No – none. Charlottesville Christine Gough, Chair Kathryn Gallanosa, Vice Chair Social Services Board Members: Lisa Brown Advisory Board Rebekah Menning LD Perry Cathee Johnson Phillips Ivy Porpotage City of Charlottesville, City Hall Annex, P.O. Box 911, Mike Signer Charlottesville, VA 22902 Judith Zeitler The report subcommittee will meet before the September meeting to draft an outline for the report. City Manager, Dr. Richardson: Dr. Richardson shared his vision as City Manager to strengthen diversity, equality, and unity within the city, emphasizing the importance of strong leadership to streamline internal operations. In working towards this goal, he plans to conduct a compensation study to ensure equal pay for city employees. Dr. Richardson aims to provide transparency of operations to increase open communication with members and leaders of the community. Dr. Richardson also held a brief question and answer session with board members. Public Comment: None Members’ Report: None Director’s Report: Fairfax County Training: Ms. Kuknyo provided follow up on the cultural humility and equity training that three employees recently attended with Fairfax County. The department was looking to implement the training for all employees. After discussion with the city manager’s office, the department is putting this on hold for now as there are plans to create something similar city wide within the new department on equity and inclusion. Meeting Schedule Review: Board members reviewed the upcoming meeting dates and opted to cancel the December meeting. Voting Action to cancel the December meeting: Yes – Brown, Gallanosa, Gough, Menning, Perry, Johnson Phillips, Signer, Zeitler. No – none. Staff Member Death: Ms. Kuknyo shared that a staff member on the Adult Protective Services team recently passed away. New Board Appointee: Ms. Kuknyo shared that city council has appointed Janet Morrow to the board effective September 1, 2019. Ms. Morrow previously served on the Albemarle County Social Services Board. Invitation to new hires: Ms. Kuknyo shared that as previously requested by the board, recent new hires will be invited to attend an upcoming board meeting to meet board members and discuss their positions and the agency. The next board meeting is scheduled for Monday, September 23, 2019 in the City Hall Basement Conference Room. Charlottesville Christine Gough, Chair Kathryn Gallanosa, Vice Chair Social Services Board Members: Lisa Brown Advisory Board Rebekah Menning LD Perry Cathee Johnson Phillips Ivy Porpotage City of Charlottesville, City Hall Annex, P.O. Box 911, Mike Signer Charlottesville, VA 22902 Judith Zeitler The meeting was adjourned at 1:22 p.m. Recorded by: Autumn Scott