Charlottesville Christine Gough, Chair Kathryn Gallanosa, Vice Chair Social Services Board Members: Lisa Brown Advisory Board Rebekah Menning Janet Morrow LD Perry Cathee Johnson Phillips City of Charlottesville, City Hall Annex, P.O. Box 911, Mike Signer Charlottesville, VA 22902 Judith Zeitler MINUTES Charlottesville Department of Social Services Advisory Board September 23, 2019 Board Members Present: Lisa Brown, Christine Gough, Rebekah Menning, Janet Morrow, LD Perry, Judith Zeitler Board Members Absent: Kathryn Gallanosa, Cathee Johnson Phillips, Mike Signer Staff Members Present: Diane Kuknyo, Laura Morris, Autumn Scott Guests: None The meeting was called to order at 12:12 p.m. Introductions: The board welcomed new board member, Janet Morrow. Approval of Meeting Minutes: The August meeting minutes were approved as submitted. Members’ Report: Mr. Perry asked a question concerning the department’s cultural humility training requirement – are there goals and objectives and methods of evaluation for the trainings? Ms. Kuknyo replied that there is not at this time. The focus right now is on relationship building and building on client strengths and resiliencies. Ms. Kuknyo added that the department will look to add measures as the training moves forward; but that it may be difficult to document how the trainings directly affect interpersonal relationships with coworkers and clients. Ms. Menning offered to research similar initiatives to find possible ways to measure effectiveness through quantitative data. Chair’s Report: Annual Report to City Council: Ms. Gough shared that the board’s annual report is tentatively scheduled to be presented at the November 18th city council meeting. Ms. Gough also shared that after discussion, the subcommittee has decided to remove the Quarterly Data Report as a report topic because not enough information is available from the Virginia Department of Social Services currently. The topics that will be discussed in the report are:  Medicaid Expansion Follow Up  UVA Disproportionality Study  JLARC Report  Cultural Humility The subcommittee will bring a rough draft of the annual report to the October 28th meeting for review and feedback. Charlottesville Christine Gough, Chair Kathryn Gallanosa, Vice Chair Social Services Board Members: Lisa Brown Advisory Board Rebekah Menning Janet Morrow LD Perry Cathee Johnson Phillips City of Charlottesville, City Hall Annex, P.O. Box 911, Mike Signer Charlottesville, VA 22902 Judith Zeitler Invitation to new hires: Ms. Gough shared that inviting new hires to the September board meeting was tabled to focus on the annual report. New staff will be invited to either the November or January meeting to meet board members and discuss their positions with the agency. Board Chair Appointments: Ms. Gough shared that it is time to hold chair and vice-chair elections. Ms. Brown and Ms. Menning volunteered to be on the nominating subcommittee and will report back at the October meeting. Ms. Gough added that both she and Ms. Gallanosa are interested in serving another term as board officers. Meeting Attendance Policy & Meeting Guests: Ms. Gough reminded the board of the current attendance policy. The policy states that a board member can miss a maximum of three consecutive meetings, or four meetings in 12 months. Any additional absences could lead to removal from the board. Ms. Gough also shared that she will try to be more cognizant of members of the public attending board meetings. She will welcome and introduce them. Public Comment: None Director’s Report: The annual report was the only topic Ms. Kuknyo had for the director’s report and all items of note were covered in the chair’s report. Ken Hardy Training: Ms. Zeitler asked if the upcoming Ken Hardy training would be open to the public. Ms. Kuknyo discussed that it would be; but that the focus is going to be different. This training is tailored towards mental health practitioners and previous attendance at a past session is a prerequisite. Also, attendees must attend both days. Previous sessions allowed attendees to choose which day to attend. Several department staff will be attending the training. Meeting Schedule Review: Board members reviewed the upcoming meeting dates and opted to keep the original date for the November meeting; but cancel the December meeting. The next two meeting dates are October 28th and November 25th. The next board meeting is scheduled for Monday, October 28, 2019 in the City Hall Basement Conference Room. The meeting was adjourned at 1:12 p.m. Recorded by: Autumn Scott