Tree Commission November 2018 Minutes Attending: Peter Russell, Paul Josey, Mark Rylander, Peggy Van Yahres, Rosanne Simon Staff: Mike Ronayne, Lauren Hildebrand Guests: Fred Wolf, Dave Ackerman, Greg Bleem October Minutes Comments – None, approved. Charlottesville Technology Building Presentation – Greg, Fred, Dave The design of the proposed Technology Building downtown across from the Omni is reviewed, particularly how it will impact trees and that area of the Mall for demolition and construction. The building will have planted roof terraces and the project has a goal to be Leed Platinum Certified and at a minimum Gold Certified. The end project will have trees irrigated with recycled rain water. At the moment trees proposed going back in along the building and planter are sentry gingkos and honey locusts. Ideally the rebuilding of the planter in between the Tech building and Omni after construction could be coordinated with the City. The Tree Commission suggested with coming up with an alternative to using honey locust. The Tree Commission advised replacing soil for the planter in the interest of tree health. The Tree Commission would like to encourage council and other groups to coordinate appropriately and timely with construction of this project to rebuild the planter area more appropriately. Mark will bring planter issue to PLACE. Underground Utilities and Trees - Lauren Lauren explains that the City maintains 180 miles of water lines, 5,000 fire hydrants, 170 miles of sewer lines, 330 miles of gas lines and 50 miles of storm water lines. There are mandatory separations for underground utilities, which can create challenges and limit space. Lauren explained that the 10’ rule is a generally rule for the public but would be able to look at tree planting and utility situations on a case by case basis. Mike will provide a list of the planting locations for the Utilities Dept. to vet. Belmont Planting Project – Peter The planting project is set for this coming Saturday the 17th and trees will be picked up the day before. Fifteen Tree Stewards are expected to help plant twenty trees at as many homes. Peter will send out up to date details of when and where for Saturday. The Parks Dept. will provide wood chips and lend hand tools. Timmons Urban Tree Guide Update – Mike Timmons has been engaged and has expressed interest in revisiting this document and would like to eventually publish with field evidence. Staff will work with Timmons to shepherd project forward but could not provide a time frame to date. Annual Tree Planting - Mike There were eight contractors solicited for the fall planting project and only two responded. The lowest bid to plant the proposed 121 trees was $40,275.00. Since the cost per tree installed now exceeds the previous estimate of $250.00, the commission would like that reflected in future CIP requests for tree planting. The Possible Planting Area project yielded three large canopy trees out of 13 potentially. Other neighboring residents of these potential trees expressed that they did not want trees in these locations. Development and Code Committee – Mark No update. Standards and Design Manual Update – Peggy, Mike In October Council directed staff to hold two more workshops that likely will not occur until the new calendar year. The latest draft is available for comments. This will likely extend the completion date several months. Other Items State of the Forest report to Council – Paul On November 5th Paul shared power point presentation with City Council about the Tree Commission’s activities over the past year. City council members expressed mixed interests. Council suggested that if Charlottesville is currently exceeding 40% canopy requirement then the program seems sufficient. The Tree Commission has advocated for a 50% canopy goal. The point is noted that an emphasis on the urban forest canopy among all City departments would be helpful with the Tree Commission’s mission. Upcoming Develp. Projects that impact trees – Mike Mike has two small projects (<1 acre), 105 David Ter. and E. Jefferson Medical Mixed Use project. Staff will follow up about providing a digital copy of Friendship Ct. for the commission. Mall Tree RFP/Cultural Landscape report – Mike There is no update. Brian Daly has been directed to coordinate with the Cultural Landscape Report. PLACE Update – Mark PLACE has expressed interest in being more involved with the Tarelton Oak project. Mark is on a subcommittee regarding city alleys and paper streets and how they should be maintained. There are potential alleys proposed for parking which would have implications for trees. Fontaine Av. – Paul, Roseanne Group is going to meet for the first time. Parks Redesign Update – Peggy The Redesign RFP is currently on hold pending statue litigation. Lawson Leavell Absenteeism – All It is discussed whether or not Lawson Leavell should be removed from the commission due to lack of attendance. He has not attended any meetings since his inception and has been unable to be reached via email. Other potential members in the community are suggested. December Meeting Mike will not be able to attend the December meeting but Brian Daly will be available. The meeting could be postponed until later in December or January. The commission will decide whether or not to hold this meeting. Next meeting: Annual Tree Steward Report, CIP/Annual Operating Budget Update Adjourn 6:45