Tree Commission February 2019 Minutes Attending: Paul Josey, Mark Rylander, Matt Brinckman, Brian Menard, Peter Russell, Roxanne White, Jody Lahendro Staff: Brian Daly, Mike Ronayne, Brian Haluska Guests: three UVA nursing students- Catherine, Annalise and Dulaney January Minutes Corrections – Roxanne White was in attendance. Approval of Annual Calendar – Paul/Mike After a few minor changes the Annual Calendar is completed and approved by commission. Mike will send out completed annual calendars. Tree Commission Members – Paul/Mike There are two vacancies on the commission and both need to be from low income neighborhoods. Brian Menard’s first term expires this April and Brian plans to renew. Other options are discussed for low income neighborhood representation. Peter will reach out to recipients from the successful Belmont tree planting project for potential new members. Rosanne had mentioned previously that she may know someone interested in the Rosehill area. Paul will reach out to other landscape architects contacts. Standing Committee Reports Planting Committee – Peter The committee hopes to choose a neighborhood to work in this fall and look at funding. The group would like to plant another 20-30 trees and Roseanne has already drafted a grant proposal. CATS is encouraging a return to plant more trees in Belmont since it was such a success but some other members would like to plant in the Rosehill area. CATS plans to send watering reminder postcards to tree recipients next month. Code/Development Committee – Mark and Brian Menard The Code Committee met on January 31st. The group expects to continue to be proactive and reactive in the site plan review process and SADM. The group believes to be the most effective during the site plan review process. The Fontaine Streetscape public process has begun. Jody volunteers to be the Tree Commission representative for the Fontaine project. The SADM draft is coming up and will need to be shared with the commission. The group would like to change language surrounding trees in the zoning ordinance away from ‘beautification’ to more ‘necessary green infrastructure.’ The Committee has also renewed a commitment to working in cemeteries. Data Committee – Roxanne The 12 recommended measures are reviewed. The new canopy study will show trends. One thing the committee would like distinguished were tree planting, removals and replacements. It is discussed whether a new chart should be added for private planting to capture trees planted in projects like Belmont. It is discussed whether low canopy neighborhoods should be defined and then tree planting tracked there as well. It is suggested to add a “Current Year Spending” column to the budget sheet and show the operating budget as well. The group would also like to create a priority ranking criteria to utilize proactive tree maintenance funding. The commission recommended to change title of Chart #3 to “Parks and Rec Tree Removals and Tree Planting” for added clarity. Other methods for tracking private tree planting are suggested. It is suggested to have a yearly analysis and summary for this data. Other Updates Upcoming Development Projects that Impact Trees – Mike The 0 Carlton Rd. comments are due tomorrow. A .2 acre parcel at 319 11th St. NE comments are due February 26th. South First Street comments were due last week with a three day turnaround. There will likely be another opportunity for comments. The latest version of Friendship Court arrived today and staff has not had an opportunity to view it. 323 2nd St. Project and Preston Av. – Paul, Mike, Brian Haluska There was a tree damaged at 323 2nd St. as part of a project where a sidewalk ramp was installed. Other trees that are part of the project lack any tree protection measures. Staff acknowledges that there seems to be a lack of enforcement of tree protection. This is something staff will look into. It is discussed what consequences developers have for failing to comply with tree protection. This is something that the commission may want to explore further in the April meeting with additional NDS staff. Payment Request Locust Av. Trees – Mike Mike has submitted a second letter with more forceful language via certified mail that was delivered January 26th. Mike will wait an additional 30 days from the letter delivery before turning over the situation to the City Attorney’s Office for collection. Urban Forest Webpage – Mark Mark and Brian Menard have completed a first pass of webpage edits. A draft will be provided after another round of edits. Natural Resources Management Plan – Brian D., Mark It is asked whether the City is pursuing a Natural Resources Management Plan as discussed last year. Staff would like to pursue this and hopes to move forward this year. There is also a US Mayors Climate Change Agreement that the City is part of as well. Arbor Day – All It is discussed where to have this year’s Arbor Day celebration. CATS has suggested a few locations including the oak at Clark Elementary, the ash behind the Historical Society and the basswood in Market Street Park. Mark suggests that the elms along High St. are excellent candidates as well. The commission will decide where to host Arbor Day at the March meeting. Next meeting: Arbor Day Coordination, IPM Annual Report, Commission to Generate Questions for NDS, DPW/Utilities annual update (sidewalk and roots, utilities and root guards etc.) comments/questions Adjourn 6:58