Tree Commission August 2019 Minutes Date: August 6, 2019 Time: 5:00PM - 6:48PM Location: Recreation Office Conference Room at 501 East Main Street (under City Space) Attending: Paul Josey, Brian Menard, Roxanne White, Lynn Rush, Rosanne Simon, Jody Lahendro Absent: Matt Brinckman, Peggy Van Yahres, Mark Rylander, Peter Russell Staff: Mike Ronayne, John Mann, Matt Alfele Guests: Anson Parker July Minutes Corrections – Rosanne motions to approve the July 2019 minutes without corrections. Jody seconds. Lynn, Roxanne, Brian M., abstain. Annual Report - Mike Mike presented the FY ’19 graphs and four new ones that the commission may want to incorporate into the annual State of the Forest and solicited feedback. After some discussion it is decided that Mike will meet with the subcommittee to discuss details. Draft Planting List - Mike Mike reviews the approximate list of 86 trees. This list will be refined, longer and will be shared at the September meeting. Input from the commission is provided regarding large planting areas like E. McIntire Park. Urban Forestry Goals and Objectives – All, Mike Mike shares the matrix where he had indicated which goals and objectives he felt were already accomplished or otherwise. The commission will move forward with this to examine which ones have not been done and where the biggest impact can be made. Other Updates - All Agendas – Mike Moving forward all agendas must be compiled and posted three full days before the meeting. Upcoming Projects that Impact Trees - Mike Mike has the Stribling rezoning project which is 11 acres with comments due August 8th and the Kappa Kappa Gamma house on Rugby Rd. which is about a .3 of an acre with comments due August 30th. The group would like to review Stribling rezoning. Friendship Ct. - Paul Frustration is expressed over the Friendship Ct. development process and final design as it pertains to trees and Tree Commission input. After some discussion Jody will contact Brian Haluska regarding the public input process for this project and as to why the Tree Commission was not included from the beginning. Mall Tree Study RFP – Brian M. Tree Commission comments were submitted to Brian Daly and will be incorporated into RFP. Tree Commission and Urban Forestry Websites – All Mike will revise websites with comments when scheduling permits. Mike would like to have edits up before the end of the month. The monthly calendar and City Notes has been updated to reflect Tree Commission meetings. Fontaine Av. Streetscape Project – Jody The consultant is working on getting information about project, like the details of underground utilities and available ROW. Project is moving to Phase II. Jody will continue to advocate for trees and elimination of on-street parking. E. High Street Streetscape – Brian Menard The VDOT report reflected community needs for large shade trees. The next step will be to see if the soil volume indicated matches what is out in the field. Barracks and Emmett St. – Brian Menard Brian M. attended the first meeting along with three other neighborhood associations and members of the Bike/Ped. Committee. Many defended trees as a priority. Some language was suggested to be changed in the public survey from “landscape” to “large canopy trees.” Steering committee meets again in October. Letter to City Attorney – Brian Menard Brian presents the packet of documents for Paul to sign to submit to the City Attorney’s Office regarding potential legal issues of the Belmont Tree Planting project. Staff will submit the packet to Brian Daly to submit to City Attorney. Timmons Urban Trees Recommendations for Healthy Trees and Safe Sidewalks – Edition II – Mike Mike shares the second edition of a trees and sidewalks mitigation methods put together by Timmons. The group requested that the first edition commissioned by the City be posted online. Tree Commission Openings - Paul There are two openings currently for LINR and expected to be two more expected with Peter and Matt moving away. Mark Zoleniffer and Ancing Parker have expressed interest. Meeting Action Items: • Group will meet to prioritize goals and objectives from matrix • Jody will reach out to Brian Haluska regarding Friendship Ct. process • Mike will check status of SADM update Next meeting: Tree Nomination Review, Review Final Planting List and Schedule Adjourn 6:48