Tree Commission October 2019 Minutes Date: October 1, 2019 Time: 5:00PM – 7:00PM Location: Recreation Office Conference Room at 501 East Main Street (under City Space) Attending: Paul Josey, Brian Menard, Lynn Rush, Rosanne Simon, Jody Lahendro, Mark Rylander, Anson Parker, Roxanne White Absent: Matt Brinckman, Peter Russell, Staff: Mike Ronayne, Jeff Werner, Todd Brown, John Mann Guests: none September Minutes Corrections – Jody explains some of the emails exchanged with Brian Haluska and some of the issues where Tree Commission input seemed unconsidered. After some discussion it said that the Tree Commission needs more “teeth” and needs to be heard on these types of projects to be effective. Changed to: Jody expressed concerns with the Tree Commission’s inability to receive new site plans for review without a formal process siting repeated requests to NDS for Friendship Court site plans [First site plan request: 10/02/18 to Brian Haluska, 2nd request: 02/05/19, 3rd request: 03/05/19, plans received: July, 2019]. This leads to the commission being unable fulfill their by-laws/responsibilities [confirming “tree protection guidelines are adhered to” and being “informed about local changes and intentions involving trees and plans for public lands and infrastructure in the City”] without being included in the review process. Commission agreed that, assuming it would not lead to any approval delays, being more formally involved in the review process could be helpful and should be considered. Jody motions to approve minutes with the corrections indicated, Anson seconds, none opposed. Welcome Todd Brown Todd Brown joins us as the new Deputy Director for the Parks Dept. Todd comes from the Fairfax County Park Authority after 28 years in the industry. Everyone is excited to welcome Todd and his wealth of experience to the group. Agenda Items - Mike Moving forward all agenda items will need to be to Mike a week in advanced of the Tree Commission meeting. Other items sent in after the deadline will be moved to the subsequent meeting. It is decided to move the Bylaws discussion to the November meeting. Meade Park Trees – Mike Since the trees are not showing signs of stress at this time and due to the other added complications of adding mulch to the area, mulching will not be done at this time. After some discussion Mike will draft a response to the Tree Commission to share. Annual Report - Roxanne Roxanne shares the draft annual report and charts. There are a few minor changes that still need to occur in regards to the charts. The last summary page needs to be completed. It is suggested to indicate which measures are actually in Council’s authority. The State of the Forest goes to Council November 4th. Trees to be incorporated into Ordinance - Peggy Peggy brought 9 trees to consider for nomination that were taken from the CATS Notable Trees List. The list of trees is divided up among the commissioners for Tree Conservation forms to be completed. Peggy will collect the forms to submit. SADM – Peggy, Mark The latest Tree Commission comments on the SADM were not reflected in the latest draft which went to the Planning Commission and City Council Monday night. Commissioners will meet with Mike and Marty to review final comments. CIP/OP Budget Requests update – Mike Comments from the commission regarding the new CIP request for the Forest Health Improvement Initiative have been incorporated into the submission. The Operating Budget being carried forward will be the same as previously at $218,000.00. The CIP submission for tree planting will also be carried forward. Data/Education Committee - Roxanne Having reached several goals, the Data Committee will be transitioning to the Education Committee and seeking members. Roxanne will meet with Brian Wheeler to understand potential public outreach options. Tree Commission Membership – All Some members who are moving out of the area will need to submit resignation letters so that other positions can become available. Potential members will be sought from the Botanical Garden project, Master Naturalists and CATS. Garrett St. - Peggy There is concern about the new orange fencing that has incorporated the large oaks along Garrett Street into a construction project. Mike has forwarded concerns the responsible staff at NDS. Tree Commissioners will also contact NDS and follow up. Upcoming Projects that Impact Trees – Mike There are two projects currently in review, the Keyser Multifamily Preliminary which comments are due October 25th and 0 Carlton Rd. which has comments due October 24th. It is requested that Mike submit his comments to the commission along with some background on the projects. Mike will check in to see where Seminole Square is in site plan process. Other items/announcements not on agenda – All Barracks Rd. Steering Committee – Brian Menard The first public meeting will be held at Walker-Upper Elementary School Wednesday October 2nd at 5:30PM-7:00PM. The survey has not been published to the website yet. Education Committee Areas – Mark There is some discussion about whose responsibility it is to help remind citizens to water their trees in periods of drought and how that should be done. Inaturalist and multimedia – Anson Anson is working with the inaturalist Ap. And would like to incorporate more data because it is very user friendly. It is also suggested that the Tree Commission meeting should be available online for others to attend remotely. Belmont Tree Planting – Rosanne November 9th is when the Belmont Tree Planting project will take place this year. Meeting Action Items: • Mike will draft as discussed regard the Meade Park trees • Members will fill out and submit forms for tree nominations to Peggy • Members will meet with Mike and Marty to finalize comments for SADM • Mike will provide his comments for the two site plans discussed • Mike will check where Seminole Square is in review process • Peggy will follow up with staff regarding Garrett Street trees • Members will reach out to other potential members Next meeting: Review bylaws, CIP update Adjourn 7:00