Tree Commission December 2019 Minutes Date: December 3, 2019 Time: 5:00PM – 7:00PM Location: Recreation Office Conference Room at 501 East Main Street (under City Space) Attending: Paul Josey, Brian Menard, Rosanne Simon, Jody Lahendro, Mark Rylander, Roxanne White, Peggy Van Yahres, Anson Parker Staff: Mike Ronayne, Todd Brown, Joey Winter November Minutes – In place of “abstain,” change the other votes to “approve” the minutes. Under the bylaws discussion, agreed to create “Objectives” document from “Duties” section once it is removed. Add to meeting action items, Mike to confirm process for changes to Bylaws. Tree Nominations for Ordinance Protection– Peggy/All Several new trees are proposed to be protected under ordinance. There are 7 white oaks along 2nd St. SE and 13 pin oaks along Garrett Street proposed along with one dogwood. Also being proposed are 5 large elms along E. High St. All of these trees are being proposed as Street Trees. It is explained that the individual trees need to be on an independent form. The commission also plans to do some sort of outreach to residents locally that may be affected by the proposed additional tree protection. After some discussion regarding the other tree reports of the trees and conflicts in cemeteries, it is decided to table all the nominations until early 2020. Jody proposes to move forward with new tree nominations. Rosanne seconds, none opposed. Annual Tree Steward Report - Rosanne Rosanne reviews the many successful projects that CATS has completed this past calendar year in collaboration with many other organizations. CATS has continued to improve the community and promote tree planting and proper maintenance. Most notably for the City, CATS worked on numerous projects to remove invasive species and prune new trees. CATS also worked in conjunction with the Tree Commission to successfully plant trees on private property in a low canopy neighborhood for the second consecutive year. Other Updates CIP Budget – Peggy Last week Peggy and Roxanne attended the Planning Commission meeting. The budget moving forward currently has proposed $75k for tree planting but the $50k for ash tree removal had not moved forward. The Planning Commission will meet again Tuesday, December 10th at 6PM in Council Chambers. Upcoming Projects that Impact Trees – Mike/Joey The only new project is the Kappa Kappa Gamma house. The commission was familiar with project and not interested in reviewing it further. The question was raised about the Preston Av. Turn Lane and how it is determined how public space will be used. Joey will provide a list of deadlines for comments for previous projects discussed at the November meeting. Bylaws – Brian Menard Brian has received the resolution from council regarding creation of the Tree Commission and confirmation that the commission may amend their bylaws without other approval. Brian will work on it and bring it back to the commission in February. Barracks Rd. Streetscape – Brian Menard Option 3 appears to be moving forward despite public support for option 4 at a previous public meeting. Option 3 seems to be the biggest negative impact to trees. The project will be moving forward to the Planning Commission early 2020 and Brian will draft comments. Fontaine Av. streetscape will also be moving forward to the Planning Commission next week. Standards and Design Manual – Paul The majority of the edits from the Tree Commission made it to the finished manual. There were a few details that did not make it to the manual. In another year or so when revisions are made these details can be added. Membership – Roxanne It is pointed out that there are currently two vacancies on the commission with four new openings in March. Given that boards and commission applicants are going to City Council quarterly, members should be actively searching for more members. Data Science and Ash Trees – Anson Anson has taken the ash trees from opendata and will be examining the relationship between public untreated ash trees and adjacent roads and structures. With further analysis, ballpark costs could be applied to tree removal. This information could then be taken to the Planning Commission to further support the need for CIP funding for removal of ash trees. Mike will work on entering information to indicate which ash trees have been preventively treated so that it is also reflected spatially in the data. Virginia Conservation Network Watch Party – Mark Mark shares information regarding a networking event to watch the 2019 General Assembly Preview to see what is in store for natural resources across the state. Mark will provide additional information and the view party is $15 per person and will be available in City Space. Meeting Action Items: • Mike will send Paul information regarding the Forest Health Improvement initiative CIP request • Joey will provide deadlines for previous site plan projects • Brian Menard will work on Bylaws and bring the item back to the February meeting • Peggy and Brian will review and bring new forms for tree nominations Next meeting: Proposed CIP and Operating Budget Report, Elect new officers for the year Review Committee Structure and add new members if needed Adjourn 7:00