Tree Commission January 2020 Minutes Date: January 14, 2020 Time: 5:00PM – 7:00PM Location: Recreation Office Conference Room at 501 East Main Street (under City Space) Attending: Paul Josey, Brian Menard, Mark Rylander, Roxanne White, Peggy Van Yahres, Anson Parker, Lynne Rush, Tim Padalino Staff: Mike Ronayne Guests: Susan Cruze December Minutes Corrections – Under Meeting Action Items: Peggy and Brian will review and bring new forms for tree nominations Welcome Tim Padalino – Paul Tim has previously served on other boards and commissions and looks forward to working on public outreach in his neighborhood of 10th and Page. Tim is also a planner for Albemarle County and will be the future Parks Planner for the County. The Charlottesville Climate Collaborative – Susan Cruze Susan explains what the role of the collaborative is and some of their current regional partners. It is also discussed what supporting data is available and what other data is needed. The Tree Commission and The Charlottesville Climate Collaborative may be valuable future partners in regional efforts, particularly the development of a Citywide Climate Action Plan. Tree Commission Members, Terms, Elections – Mike/All Moving forward City Council will be reviewing City boards and commissions’ appointments on a quarterly basis and the next appointments will be made in March. Four members (Lynne, Mark, Peggy and Roxanne) have terms due to expire 3/31/2020. Lynne, Mark and Peggy plan to reapply but Roxanne is ineligible. Applicants need to submit applications by March 1st. The Tree Commission would like to see all applicants prior to going to City Council. The Clerk of Council has offered to extend the terms of Tim, Anson and Rosanne to March 2023 for simplicity. Tim and Anson consent to have their terms extended to March 2023. Members will follow up on leads to fill other vacant positions. Paul nominated Brian Menard to be chair. Mark seconded. All present voted in favor, none opposed. Paul nominated Peggy Van Yahres to be the vice chair. Roxanne seconded. Mark, Peggy voted in favor, none opposed. Committee Structures, goals, strengths and weaknesses will be discussed at the February meeting. Interdepartmental Communication Meeting – Roxanne/Paul Paul, Roxanne and Peggy had met with Kathy Galvin, Kristel Riddervold, Todd Brown and Paul Oberdorfer on how to improve communication and reach goals pertaining to climate change and tree canopy. One solution discussed was how the relevant departments now fall under Paul Oberdorfer’s supervision which will help promote a team effort. Another big takeaway from the meeting was the need for a City Natural Resources Plan to create objectives and a hierarchy. Site Plan Review – Paul Paul met with Todd to discuss a more effective way for the Tree Commission to review site plans. It was said that the Tree Commission does not wish to review every site plan but some criteria was needed. Another suggestion was to create and implement a checklist for tree related items for site plan submission. Another meeting will be held with Todd, Paul Josey, Paul Oberdorfer and Alex to best address the issue. Timmon’s Sidewalk Studies and Solutions Guidebook – Paul It is suggested that the Tree Commission reach out to Paul Oberdorfer, since his unique position over the different departments allows him to make a decision on the matter how best to proceed. Other Updates CIP Budget – Mike At the last joint Planning Commission meeting and City Council meeting, Paul went before the group to advocate for tree planting and additional funding to address untreated trees affected by emerald ash borer. It seems the $75k for tree planting has continued to move forward but the $50k for EAB affected trees has not. Mike will confirm for the commission but believes the opportunity for public input on the matter is essentially closed at this time. Urban Forestry Website – Mike The changes to the Urban Forestry webpage provided by Mark and others have been made and are currently live on the City’s website. The next step would be to update the Tree Commission webpage. The new City website is going to go live in April, so it is asked that all edits from the commission are submitted to staff before the end of the month since the deadline for new material to be transferred from the old website is February 14th. It is also asked if there is a place for members to put documents like a Dropbox. Mike will look into options. Comprehensive Plan Representative – Mike The City is seeking representation from the Tree Commission on the Comp. Plan rewrite, prepare affordable housing strategy and rewrite the zoning ordinance. The timeline for project is 24 months. Tim offers to represent the Tree Commission on the Comp. Plan Steering Committee. Other items not on Agenda: Collecting Tree Samples – Anson Anson is collecting different cookie and branches pieces from different species in the area and using a laser engraver to identify the species. He is asking for all and any samples from species that he does not have yet. Peggy offers to get some samples from the Van Yahres Tree Care Company. Meeting Action Items: • Mike will see if a dropbox or alternative can be provided for the commission • Mike will confirm if and when there are additional opportunities for public input on the CIP • Mike will see if member applications can go to the Tree Commission regularly • Paul Josey will follow up with Timmons Guide to Paul Oberdorfer • Commission will provide comments for Tree Commission website before the end of the month Next meeting: Committee structures, tree nominations Adjourn 7:00