CHARLOTTESVILLE TREE COMMISSION Tuesday, August, 2022 5:00 – 7:00 pm Virtual|Electronic Meeting Call to Order and Approval of Minutes(P. Van Yahres) 5:00 Staff Report (R. Anthony, S. Gaines) 5:05 "Innovative Tree Conservation in Cities: Lessons from the Biophilic 5:10 Cities Network" (Tim Beatley) Environmental Sustainability Department (Krystal Riddervold) 5:55 Committee Reports – Summary of Priorities ( P. Van Yahres) 6:10 • Education & Advocacy (M. Rylander) - Mall Tree Study RFP - ReLeaf Cville Update (P. Van Yahres) • Arbor Committee Priorities (J. Aten) - Revised Tree Planting Priorities - Nominations for Tree Conservation - Garrett and 2nd Street Trees • Codes and Practices (V. Metcalf) - Approval of response to Zoning Ordinance Draft Diagnostic + Approach Report - Approval of response to Fry Springs Development General Public Comment 6:50 Items/Announcements Not on Agenda/Action Items for Next Meeting 6:55 Adjourn 7:00 (†) At the discretion of the Chair, public comments related to particular agenda items may be solicited at that point in the meeting. This virtual/electronic meeting is open to the public. You may participate electronically by registering at or via telephone by using the number provided with the Zoom registration. Or you may contact staff at 434-970-3182 to receive the dial in number. In addition to the Zoom webinar, this meeting will be available on the City's streaming platforms, including Facebook, Twitter, and Individuals with disabilities who require assistance or special arrangements to participate in the public meeting may call the ADA Coordinator at (434) 970-3182 or submit a request via email to The City of Charlottesville requests that you provide a 48-hour notice so that proper arrangements may be made. Tree Commission – June 7, 2022 5:00-7:00pm Meeting Minutes Peggy: Brief Overview of May Tree Commission Meeting Steve: Gave quick staff report: -Parks and Recreation is still understaffed, doing our best to stay ahead of needed tree work, anticipating heavy storms through the summer -Parks and Recreation is still requiring staff to host Zoom meetings, no available IT staff to host Presentation Dan Frisbee: The City of Charlottesville will be focusing on the Schenks Branch Project for fall 2022, with a planned operation period starting in roughly October 2022 and lasting until spring 2023. The project idea was introduced in 2014-2015 and was awarded funding in 2019. This restoration project will focus on 800 feet of streambank along Schenks Branch. The objectives of the project include: Improvement of water quality (reduction of sediment, nitrogen, phosphorus loading in the water body), increase erosion control, Increase storm credits, Improve habitat, replant and reinforce stream bank by installing quality trees, and increase environmental education awareness for the public. Group discussion focused on coming priorities for the Tree Commission and associated sub-committees. 1. Fry Spring -The Tree Commission has prepared a written letter voicing the Commission’s thoughts on the development, in addition to the wishes of the public. The letter voices the importance of large trees, and their additions to canopy objectives (in addition to wildlife habitat and water quality). -The letter also cites the project’s request for a Critical Slopes waiver and the Commission’s strong opposition. 2. Education Committee: Discussion of city development and impacts to environment/tree management and affordable housing. Methods to engage public, developers, environmental activists (public discussion/round table, workshops, etc.) 3. Arbor Committee: Tree planting schedule for Spring 2023. How to notify public about plantings, adjustments for maintenance for plantings. 4. Codes Committee: Discussion of code re-writes Tree Commission Meeting Minutes: May 3, 2022 Peggy: Comments regarding April Minutes (approved) Peggy: The Tree Commission had a successful tree planting event at Clark Elementary School. Steve Gaines, the City’s new Urban Forester helped educate the students on the importance of trees. The tree was donated and planted by JW Townsend Landscapes Peggy: Introduced Steve Gaines as the new Urban Forester for Charlottesville Steve Gaines: Gave brief explanation regarding background education experience and education Riaan: Gave quick staff report. The City is requiring staff to host all Zoom Meetings Cville will be keeping track of every Ash Tree that is removed. Starting July 1, Cville passed new budget. The city will receive $100K for hazard tree removal, in addition to $105K for Ash tree removal (hazard). Presentation Brennan Duncan: City Council is pondering new directions for 5th street and the recent vehicle accidents. Tree Commission will be involved with 5th street corridor decisions City Council is considering 5 options 1. Safety R cuts along the corridor 2. Adjust travel lanes (transit lanes, bike lanes) 3. Add additional one or two lane round abouts 4. Remove trees in median 5. Construct guardrail along median 6. Lower speed limits Tree Commission overwhelmingly object to removing trees from median – recommend guardrails Presentation Susan Elliot – Charlottesville Heat Watch Campaign Extreme Heat, Urban Heat Islands and Charlottesville Peggy: Suggested working within individual committees to decide on Tree Commission priorities Mark Rylander: (Education Committee Chair): Brought up website concerns and need for correct names and spellings for committee members. Additionally, the Urban Forestry website (and Tree Commission website) need current version of tree commission by-laws Peggy: Summarized recent events (Clark School Planting for Arbor Day, Charlottesville High School Environmental Career Fair organized by Re-Leaf) Jeff Aton: Summarized Arbor Day event with Tree Commission, CATS, at the SoJourns Church Vicki Metcalf: Summarized the Tree Commissions request to City Council to provide feedback for Cville Plans together in regards to impacts to residual trees from site development projects. City Council has yet to provide feedback. Makasyha: Brought attention to the Commission regarding a recent sign posted at Crescent Hall. The sign illustrated the expressed need for advocacy and action regarding tree canopy loss in vulnerable neighborhoods. Mark R: Brough up brief discussion of the recent planting project (162 tree installations – city wide). Discussion focused on watering needs of planted trees. Urban Forester has suggested that some watering be carried out by volunteers from tree commission or CATS. Peggy – Motion to adjourn meeting