CHARLOTTESVILLE TREE COMMISSION Tuesday, October 4th, 2022 5:00 – 7:00 pm Virtual|Electronic Meeting AGENDA Call to Order (J.Aten) 5:00 ● September meeting minutes Staff Report (R. Anthony, S. Gaines) 5:15 S. Gaines: ● Budget Update o Funding opportunities ▪ Invasive Plant Control ▪ Downtown Mall Maintenance ● Mall Tree RFP Update o Document to be compiled o Timeline for Issue ● Workshops o Content and Schedule R. Anthony: ● Downtown Mall Hazard Tree Removal o Timeline and Process o Mall Vendors and Public walks o Public Meetings and Workshops o Tree Commission Participation Committee Reports (J. Aten) 6:00 ● Education & Advocacy (M. Rylander) o ReLeaf updates o Other ● Arbor (J. Aten) o Master Tree List ● Codes Objectives (V. Metcalf) General Public Comment (†) 6:45 Items/Announcements Not on Agenda 6:50 Action Items for Next Meeting 6:55 Adjourn 7:00 (†) At the discretion of the Chair, public comments related to particular agenda items may be solicited at that point in the meeting. This virtual/electronic meeting is open to the public. You may participate electronically by registering at or via telephone by using the number provided with the Zoom registration. Or you may contact staff at 434-970-3182 to receive the dial in number. In addition to the Zoom webinar, this meeting will be available on the City's streaming platforms, including Facebook, Twitter, and Individuals with disabilities who require assistance or special arrangements to participate in the public meeting may call the ADA Coordinator at (434) 970-3182 or submit a request via email to The City of Charlottesville requests that you provide a 48-hour notice so that proper arrangements may be made. Tree Commission Meeting Minutes: September 6, 2022 Attendees: Peggy Van Yahres, Paul Josey, Donna Shaunesey, Holly Lafferty, Jeff Pacelli, Jeff Aten, Mark Zollinhofer, Riaan Anthony, Tim Padalino, Vicki Metcalf, Roxanne White Peggy: Comments regarding August Minutes (approved) Steve: Brief summary of staff projects Paul Josey gave presentation “First Five Years of Life” focusing on tree planting and best maintenance practices for young trees. Key points of conversation regarding presentation and future city planting operations: • Mulching vs Saw Chips • Rule of thumb regarding watering regimes (20 gallons per week if possible) • Program initiative geared specifically for watering new installations (CIP Request for funds) • Parks and Recreation will look into avenues to incorporate volunteers into watering program. At the very least, staff will see to regular application of saw chips to new tree plantings Committee Reports: Education & Advocacy • Mark informed the committee that the website is in good shape, city technicians have made the requested changes • Jean and Mark led brief discussion regarding what it would take for Charlottesville to achieve and maintain Biophilic status. This topic will be re- visited • Re-Leaf updates: Volunteers will be approaching homeowners to talk about tree planting programs around the 10th and Page neighborhood regions. Volunteers include members of ReLeaf, TC, CATS, and the “Green Team” (teenage volunteers interested in joining the effort). Interested homeowners can contact Parks and Rec office to continue the process of getting trees planted on the privately owned properties. -Installations will occur in November 2022 Arbor Committee • Cover-letter has been re-drafted (and Committee approved) for submittal as part of the Tree Nomination package. 22 Trees have been nominated for preservation along Charlottesville’s Garrett and Second Streets. The proposed nominations will be considered by City Council. • Master Tree List – Urban Forester presented updates to the Master Tree List. Changes were discussed and noted, updates to the list will be discussed at the next meeting Codes Committee • Codes Committee, CVille Plans Together, and Parks and Recreation staff continue efforts on work on City Ordinances. Public Hearings for re-writes will likely be occurring in Spring 2023 • Slides from the Steering Committee Powerpoint presentation from August 29 meeting is available on the Cville Plans Together website ( Charlottesville Area Tree Stewards Update: Mark Z Mark presented the upcoming schedule for CATS events. • CATS have several educational opportunities and workshops in the works for Fall 2022 • CATS currently has over 150 volunteers and several willing volunteers for projects Peggy – Motion to adjourn meeting