Tree Commission Meeting Minutes: December 6, 2022 Attendees: Peggy Van Yahres, Donna Shaunesey, Jeff Pacelli, Mark Rylander, Jeff Aten, Jean Umiker-Sebeok, Riaan Anthony, Tim Padalino, Vicki Metcalf, Karim Habbab, Missy Creasy Peggy: Comments regarding October Minutes (approved) Brief Summary of Staff Projects: • The RFP for the future management of the Downtown Mall Trees is still moving through the procurement system. • Plans for spring tree plantings are in the works (Locations and Species Selections). RFQ will be submitted in early December • Staff met with members from the UVA Sawmill team, plans are forming to get estimates for wood products that can be fashioned from the removal trees (benches, bowls, etc). Timber volumes will be calculated, expect to have rough idea for wood volumes/grade/ and potential products • Staff will be pursuing a meeting between Piedmont Housing and Public Works to finalize an approach to get trees nominated for “Street Tree” status on Second and Garrett Streets. It appears that Piedmont Housing has a healthy understanding of the value of these street trees and wants to work with Tree Commission and Public Works towards the nominations Updates: • Planning Commission and City Council Meeting on Dec 13 – Hearing regarding Azalea Springs and City’s CIP budget (Mark R will speak at the meeting regarding new tree planting, Mall tree maintenance, Ash tree removals and funding for invasive plant control/containment). Peggy will speak to Council/PC regarding Tree Commission’s perspective regarding Azalea Springs Development. • Climate Action Plan was submitted with Tree Commission Comments incorporated into document (motion passed) • Schneks Branch Project – Tree Commission approved Peggy’s letter of support for the project • Tree Commission approved the nomination status of several urban trees in Charlottesville: (Ash on Jefferson Street, Elms on High Street, Dawn Redwoods on Preston Street, oaks in Forest Hills Park, and oak at Charlottesville High School – Staff will inspect trees to bolster nominations - Committee Reports: Education & Advocacy • Committee plans to create a tri-fold pamphlet outlining goals of the Charlottesville Tree Commission, what the Tree Commission does, how the public can help our mission, and how to get involved (also listing of partner organizations). Pamphlet should be ready mid-December Arbor Committee: • Work continues on The new “Comprehensive” Tree list. Committee acknowledges need to include an established metric for estimations of crown/canopy size over time (10 and 20 year increments). • Arbor Committee will assist with wood products furnished from 9 trees being removed on Downtown Mall Codes Committee: • Continue amendments to ordinance re-writes • New Codes for the city zoning will be announced in 3 modules. Will be put to public for input March 13-17, with a work session on March 20 RE-Leaf Updates: • ReLeaf successfully installed 39 trees around the 10th and Page neighborhood. Volunteer efforts from ReLeaf and local teenagers (Green Team)…Original goal was 20 trees, were able to double that • ReLeaf hopes to do a similar project in 2023 Peggy – Motion to adjourn meeting