Charlottesville Water Resource Protection Program Advisory Committee Agenda for January 28, 2019 Public Works Training Yard, 3 to 5 pm (305 4th Street, NW) 1. Welcome and introductions – 10 minutes 2. Public Comment – 5 minutes 3. Approval of minutes from October 15, 2018 – 5 minutes 4. Committee Items-1 hour a. Flood plain property assistance discussion 10 minutes. b. CCAP MOU staff update 10 minutes (Mary and Melissa) c. Annual Report CY18 40 minutes 5. Staff Updates – 30 minutes hour a. General Update of maintenance/rehabilitation efforts b. SLAF grant application update c. City Budget Process Explained d. Annual MS4 Budget Report Review 6. Other items – 10 minutes 7. Adjourn Charlottesville Water Resource Protection Program Advisory Committee Draft Minutes for Meeting #18 Date: October 15, 2018; 3pm Location: City Space Attendees: Advisory Committee Members: Mary Eiserman, Dave Hirschman, Michael Ramsey, Rebecca Quinn, Brian Becker, Trey Steigman, Morgan Butler City Staff: Melissa Stephens, Lauren Hildebrand, Sarah Osterman Members of the Public: 3 UVA students (names not recorded), in addition to a city attorney and UVA law student Laura Friedly. - Public Comment: Introductions of those attending - Prior meeting’s minutes: The committee approved meeting minutes for the committee’s June 18, 2018 meeting with minor changes. (R. Quinn motion; B. Becker second) - Update on committee member term expirations: M. Stephens shared that the terms of D. Greene, M. Ramsey and T. Steigman expire December 1, 2018 and all others on the date of December 1, 2020. There was some discussion about term limits and it was clarified that some members had two year appointments and some three. There is a maximum of two term limits of 3 years with an exception for members who were initially appointed to a term less than 3-years. Those members are eligible to serve two full three-year terms in addition to whatever partial term they served at the outset of the WRPPAC. - Committee Items: (a.) CCAP Program Strategizing: M. Eiserman provided brief summary of the Charlottesville Conservation Assistance Program, the related Virginia Conservation Assistance Program and issues that the committee might want to address. M. Stephens indicated her understanding from the last few meetings is that the Committee would be interested in a modified version of the CCAP program. There was discussion about the current VCAP funding approval process and how that might affect CCAP moving forward. The committee generally agreed that continuing to utilize the VCAP program manual and practice guidelines is good practice. R. Quinn referenced her comment in the previous meeting regarding a marker for more funds for the CCAP program. There was general discussion about the continued growth of and demand for the CCAP program. D. Hirchman suggested that data continue to be collected regarding how CCAP applications rank with the VCAP program. He also suggested moving forward with increasing CCAP funding because the increase could roll-over if not allocated. M. Eiserman mentioned a previous discussion about the allocation of TA or Staff payment from these funds as well as issues of program eligibility for city residents. L. Hildebrand wanted to further evaluate these items. On a motion by D. Hirchman, seconded by R. Quinn, the committee recommended an increase of the annual CCAP allocation to $65,000 and asked City and TJSWCD staff to evaluate workload and look into the adequacy of Technical Assistance funding provided for district staff. It was additionally agreed that City and TJSWCD staff should come to the committee with recommendations for future changes to the CCAP MOU. - Staff updates: (a.) General Update of maintenance/ rehabilitation efforts: M. Stephens updated the committee that the replacement of a degrading clay pipe at Venable Field is underway. There are also many lining projects underway. A sample of a pipe lining was shared and the Market & Water Street project was highlighted. The City engineer is working on the Stadium Road pipe replacement project. Drainage improvement project #9/ Kenwood Ave. has been surveyed and the final design should be completed in the coming weeks. Maintenance crews have been busy clearing storm structures and repairing pipes in inlets. (b.) Joint stream restoration with Albemarle County in Pen Park: Easements have been signed and the project should be starting soon. Project completion is targeted to be by March 2019. (c.) Completion of Forest Hills Park Bio Retention Area Retrofit: The project is complete though there is still some over-seeding and plant replacement to be done. Nutrient reductions were highlighted by M. Stephens. (d.) Drainage Improvement Project CR-01 at Wayside Place/ Edgewood Lane: Acquisition of easements is complete. The project will be out to bid over winter with the hope to start construction in the spring. (e.) SLAF preparation: The grant to DEQ for local Stormwater Assistance was submitted. The plan proposes three projects on public lands that can be approved for funding together or separately. The three projects are as follows; an extension of the Penn Park stream restoration, Meadow Creek, and Schenks Branch in McIntire Park. (f.) FY2018 MS4 report: The fy2018 MS4 report was submitted to DEQ on October 1st. All permit requirements were met. A new permit is in process as the city is currently operating under the old permit. M. Stephens shared highlights from the report with the committee. (g.) Rate Study: City staff shared a proposed budget for FY2020 to increase maintenance staff without increasing rates. A need for additional staff has been demonstrated this year. The current plan (shared as a hard copy during the meeting) does not budget for an increase in revenue, but continuing development should result in some increase. There was discussion that the transfer of funds toward operations from CIP projects was made possible by the fact that there have been fewer CIP projects than expected. M. Butler mentioned a concern of the committee staying accountable for the public perception of the use of fees. (h.) Stormwater Technician: Sarah Osterman, a UVA grad has been hired as the new Stormwater Tech. for the City. - Additional other items: R. Quinn started a discussion regarding the floodway properties on McElroy Drive that have experienced severe flooding this year. She is interested in the committee considering a program that could utilize federal funds to purchase and remove these homes to convert the area to natural space. It was agreed that more information would be provided for a December meeting. It was agreed that a doodle poll would be put out to schedule a December meeting to address the report due at the end of this calendar year. - Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 5:02pm.