Charlottesville Water Resource Protection Program Advisory Committee Approved Minutes for Meeting #19 Date: January 28, 2019; 3pm Location: Public Works Administration Building - Training Room Attendees: Advisory Committee Members: Dave Hirschman, Michael Ramsey, Brian Becker, Jeff Atkins, Trey Steigman, Jacqueline Goodrum, Mary Eiserman, Morgan Butler City Staff: Melissa Stephens, Lauren Hildebrand, Sarah Osterman, Megan Mueller Members of the Public: 3 UVA students (names not recorded), Chris Gyurisin - Public Comment: Welcome and Introductions of those attending - Prior meeting’s minutes: The committee approved meeting minutes for the October 15, 2018 meeting. (J. Atkins motion; B. Becker second) - Committee Items: (a.) Flood Plain Property Assistance: It was agreed that this discussion would be postponed until the committee member with most interest in the discussion could be present. CCAP MOU Staff update: M. Eiserman and M. Stephens gave a brief background of the CCAP and VCAP programs for those present who were not familiar. M. Eiserman presented two addendums to the CCAP MOU that were agreed upon by TJSWCD and City staff. ADDENDUM A In reference to Article One, Item 2; the required approval by the City of Charlottesville Utilities Department will not apply to Rain Water Harvesting practices that have strictly non-potable and non-domestic uses. ADDENDUM B In reference to Article Three, Item 3; a schedule for project application submittal and approval should be followed as outlined below. Each application will be submitted to the VCAP statewide waitlist for a minimum of the Fiscal Quarter for funding approval. If at the end of that Fiscal Quarter, funding has not been approved by VCAP, 100% CCAP funds may be used. This schedule will follow fiscal quarters and will prohibit any CCAP project from being held back while still allowing the city to utilize a 50% match with VCAP funds when possible. June 30th application deadline for FQ1 Approval by September 31st September 31st application deadline for FQ2 Approval by December 31st December 31st application deadline for FQ3 Approval by March 31st March 31 application deadline for FQ4 st Approval by June 30th (b.) On the topic of application timeline, M. Stephens gave some clarification of the existing MOU. D. Hirschman clarified that these addendums did not address other conversations regarding city priorities for different practices, but allowed CCAP practices to be approved for funding regardless of VCAP ranking. Concurrence of the committee to add these two addendums to the CCAP MOU via staff recommendations was achieved. (M. Butler motion; D. Hirchman second) (c.) Annual Report CY18: M. Ramsey initiated a discussion about how to make the report more captivating to readers and about what information should be included in the report. L. Hildebrand shared that the timeline for the report is on a Council timeline. She indicated that the report should be completed by March/ April. T. Steigman stated that the current format of the report was generated in an attempt to condense information. It was agreed that the current format will be good to follow with the additional goal to make the report more visually interesting. B. Becker asked about the storm water utility credit and lack of response from homeowners. M. Stephens confirmed that limited credit requests have been received because SW fees are low to begin with and requirements to get credit can be challenging, the indicated payback in fee reduction is often not incentive enough. B. Becker brought up a thought that recognition for practices had been thought of in the past. M. Eiserman stated that TJSWCD and City Utilities are actually working on a way to recognize projects as part of an ongoing marketing campaign with signage that will be both educational and recognition based. M. Ramsey offered to work up a draft of the report and clarified portions of the report for which he will need assistance from other committee members. M. Stephens is to help with general reporting information and M. Eiserman to help with CCAP information. - Staff updates: (a.) General Update of maintenance/ rehabilitation efforts: M. Stephens updated the committee regarding a new significant work order for cured in place pipe in the Greenbrier area as well as a couple of spot pipe repairs. There is a complicated and interesting project on Cameron Lane to upsize an undersized pipe woven between other utilities on a very narrow street. (b.) SLAF grant application update: M. Stephens indicated that there had been no update from DEQ regarding stormwater local assistance funding. The three Charlottesville applications did make it through the first round of reviews but there are no additional updates (should hear by the 31st). All three applications have been visited in person. i. Capital Improvement project off Meadowbrook at the disc golf park (stream restoration) ii. John Warner parkway by proposed arboretum (stream restoration) iii. Pen Park continuation of joint stream restoration with Albemarle County (c.) City Budget Process Explained: M. Stephens updated committee members that there is a Council work session on January 31st and a meeting with the School Board in March. A second reading of the proposed budget should happen in April. (d.) Annual MS4 Budget Report Review: M. Stephens reported on the MS4 program update from Dan Frisbee. Charlottesville’s MS4 permit was accepted by DEQ without any revisions or requests for additional information. Other information shared by M. Stephens on behalf of Dan Frisbee included a project on Pollocks Branch creating a ‘walkable watershed’ native planting and pedestrian bridge with the goal to stabilize banks and create a teachable natural habitat; Work on Meadow Creek stream restoration repairs (The Nature Conservancy had restored 360 linear feet of stream channel that was damaged); and the City Green Map where City BMPs can be mapped on a web portal: - Additional other items: -D. Hirschman asked about the Request for Information for Green Stormwater Infrastructure which was advertised on June 4, 2018. M. Stephens said that 12 responses were received. Current status of this project is waiting for enabling ordinances to be written for the City to utilize Public Private Partnerships as a method of procurement. Various branches of the City are working together to create this ordinance and M. Stephens hopes to have something by the fall. -M. Ramsey asked about scheduling for future meetings. M. Stephens clarified that the committee has to meet a minimum of three times a year. M. Ramsey will work to send out some potential dates for the next meeting. - Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at approximately 4:10pm.