Charlottesville Water Resource Protection Program Advisory Committee Agenda for June, 10 2019 City Space, 3 to 5 pm 1. Welcome and introductions – 10 minutes 2. Public Comment – 5 minutes 3. Approval of minutes from January 28,2019 – 5 minutes 4. Committee Items-1 hour a. Flood plain property assistance discussion 15 minutes. b. Annual Report CY19 Review and Approval 30 minutes c. Elect New WRPP-AC Chairperson and Secretary 15 min 5. Staff Updates – 30 minutes hour a. General Update of maintenance/rehabilitation efforts b. SLAF grant application update c. Update on PPP d. FY 20 Budget e. CIP Master Plan f. Utility Billing g. FOIA refresher 6. Other items – 10 minutes 7. Adjourn