Charlottesville Water Resource Protection Program Advisory Committee Agenda for December 16, 2019 City Space, 3 to 5 pm 1. Welcome and introductions – 10 minutes 2. Public Comment – 5 minutes 3. Approval of minutes from June 10, 2019 – 5 minutes 4. Staff Updates – 1 hour a. City Reorganization of WRPP b. Update on Filling of Technician Position c. Fiscal Year 2021 Budget d. MS4 Program Update e. CityGreen Map f. SLAF Award Update g. Master Plan/Rehab Project Update 5. Committee Items-30 minutes a. Flood plain property assistance discussion (refer to email sent by Rebecca on 12/9/2019). b. Public Private Partnership discussion c. Review annual report scheduling 6. Other items – 10 minutes 7. Adjourn